BUMC Newsletters


We would love for our community to join us for fellowship and/or community service in person.  If there is something you would like to see in your community or a talent/volunteer you like to share with us, please let us know.  We have a praised band, a newly expanded food pantry, fitness classes, a women group, prayer chain, bible study and other groups committees too.  

BUMC Church Directory

(members only)

Upper New York Annual Conference

Information about the 12 districts, 940 churches, and 185,599 members in the Upper NY Conference.

Casowasco Camp

Upper NY Camping and Retreat center in the Finger Lakes.

Aldersgate Camp

Upper NY Camping and Retreat center in the Adirondacks.

United Methodist Women (UMW)

Upper NY Conference UMW website.

General Board of Discipleship

The agency of the United Methodist Church, that helps local church, district, and conference leaders fulfill the shared dream of making world-changing disciples.

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission

Short-term mission agency of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church.

Cornerstone Community Center

To read and search the Bible, try the Bible Gateway.